Message from the Program Manager

I hope you and your loved ones have fared well through these extraordinary months. COVID-19 has challenged and stretched us in ways we have not seen before.     

A dedicated LRBC team has focused on the implementation of a dynamic COVID-19 response that endeavoured to support our members – both host and locum physicians, health authorities, and rural communities. Providing a concierge travel service was a challenge – trying to balance a greater sense of urgency with multiple disruptions in modes of travel such as flights, ferries, and car rentals as well as reduced accommodation options. The greater flexibility contained within the temporary administrative and policy changes were well received and has assisted in strengthening relationships with our stakeholders.

In light of our focus, and in order to serve you better, I am excited to announce some good news! Below you will find information regarding website enhancements, policy changes, photo competition launch, opportunities to make contact with LRBC team members and Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc).

Thank you for your support of the rural locum programs –  On behalf of the team we feel privileged to be working alongside of you. Please feel free to contact me on or call on 604 306 1652.y safe and be well, 

LRBC response to COVID-19

The temporary changes to the BC Rural Locum Programs in order to provide appropriate supports to host and locum physicians during the COVID-19 pandemic has been extended until December 31, 2020.

Host Physicians Locum Allotment Days

As we approach Fall & Winter remember to take time off to rest and recharge.  Submit your locum requests. As a once off COVID-19 exception to policy host physicians may carry-over (carry forward) a maximum of 10 days from 2020/21 to 2021/22. These days will be available for use in the 21/22 year with further review if necessary.

Web Enhancements

Enhancement projects included, amongst others, reintroducing revised feedback evaluations, and a series of process flow workshops.

The feedback evaluations link directly to the Joint Standing Committee’s strategic priority of quality improvement, evaluation and research and include the implementation of revised locum and host feedback forms and notifications. The results of the feedback evaluations will be used to gauge user satisfaction and as a management tool for continual improvement. This functionality will become operational on November 1, 2020.

The goal of the process flow workshops is to identify areas where both the LRBC management system and user interactions can be improved, where system changes can be prioritised, and where LRBC can inform the future development roadmap.

Thank you to the host and locum physician volunteers that are supporting us in this work.

Locum Availability Calendar

The locum availability calendar is a feature that proactively enables both locum physicians and host communities to plan ahead together. With this calendar, locum physicians can now showcase their availability for their preferred hosts to review. The host can select an available locum physician, and request LRBC administrators to connect with the preferred locum for upcoming postings. It was rolled out last year, but is not being used as widely as we would like it to be.  Shout out to Nicola Valley Clinic in Merritt for being the first community to use this feature!

Photo competition

LRBC is now ready to launch its first ever online photo competition.  We are looking for a range of photographs that capture the beauty of rural B.C.   We want you to share the hidden gems such as geographical landscapes, culture, and pictures that encompass what it means to locum in rural B.C.

Photographs will be posted through LRBC Instagram and Facebook pages.  Two winners will be announced on January 20, 2021 and 1st prize will receive an Amazon gift card worth $500; and 2nd prize $250. The contest will launch on November 15, and will close on December 31, 2020.

We look forward to receiving your entries! 

Policy Updates

Out of Province Travel Allowance

The LRBC program implemented and trialled an Out-of-Province (OOP) Travel Allowance in 2019. I am pleased to inform you that the OOP travel allowance will be included permanently into the policy of all three rural programs.

RGPLP weekend on call stipend

Effective January 1, 2021 the weekend locum rate will be eliminated. Weekends will be compensated by two daily rates ½ a daily rate to cover 6:00 pm Friday to 8:00 am Monday. The on-call stipend will be applied as applicable. The policy will be updated to state that when providing overnight call, physicians have a professional obligation to wrap up with patients and properly communicate handover the following morning. No additional compensation will be provided.

Rural Specialist Locum Program (RSLP)

Effective January 1, 2021 the communities served by the RSLP will expand from the current 19 to include all Rural Subsidiary Agreement Communities (RSA). All of the other policy eligibility requirements will remain.

What We're Sharing

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Territorial Acknowledgment

Locums for Rural BC BC recognizes and acknowledges that all provincial public health opportunities and facilities are located on the ancestral and unceded territories of the Indigenous Peoples of British Columbia. As visitors, we feel it’s important to acknowledge the importance of these lands, which we each call home. We reaffirm our commitment and responsibility to improving our own understanding of local Indigenous peoples and their cultures.

Locums for Rural BC provides full support and assistance to family physicians and specialists practicing in rural communities across British Columbia, so that they can take reasonable periods of leave from their practices for vacation, health needs and continuing medical education (CME).


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